When to Visit Hawaii and the Weather
What's the weather like in Hawaii, and when is the best time to go there for vacation?
Was there a certain season that was the ideal for traveling to Hawaii, and did it actually have the nicest climate in the entire United States? When is the best time to enjoy the sunshine and pure blue skies?
The state of Hawaii, with the exception of Easter Island, is the world's most isolated place, located around 2000 miles away from the nearest major land mass. This has a significant impact on the climate, making it a pleasant area to visit at any time of year, including winter. In winter, the cold air that travels down via the Pacific from the Arctic has to travel a long distance over a warmer water, which becomes progressively heated the further south the air has to go. Warmth from the sea allows the chilly air to warm up and become relatively moderate by the time it reaches its destination in Hawaii.
The Climate of Hawaii: The Seasons of Hawaii
Some people believe that Hawaii has just two seasons: summer, which lasts from May to October, and winter, which lasts the rest of the year. However, this is not true. Locals also joke that there are only two seasons in the Caribbean: the season of tropical storms, which runs from April to November, and the season of winter storms, which goes from November to March, respectively. Others believe that there are three seasons in Hawaii, which are spring, summer, and fall, because the state does not experience a winter.
Despite the fact that Hawaii does not see many storms, when they do come, they are extremely severe and can strike at any time of the year. However, these are storms with heavy rain and powerful gusts, not hurricanes like those that have affected other portions of the United States.
Temperatures in Hawaii are moderate.
Hawaii enjoys a pleasant climate throughout the year with moderate temperatures. The humidity is mild as well, making it a pleasant area to visit in the summer to escape the hot and sweaty summers of the Midwest and Deep South. Because to the trade winds, Hawaii is continually cooled, and the humidity is kept to a minimum.
Obviously, temperatures might differ from one location to the next, but in Honolulu, the state's sole major metropolis, temperatures seldom fall below 80 degrees Fahrenheit. That is the temperature in the coldest month of the year, January, while the warmest months are September and October, when the average temperature is 89°.
Hawaii's Climate: The Number of Days in a Week
The fact that Hawaii is located in the tropics (it is the only US state to do so) means that the days are quite long throughout the year. If you live in the south, you'll get 11 hours of daylight per day, compared to 8-9 hours in New England. In addition, throughout the summer, daylight lasts around 13.5 hours.
The Best Time to Swim in Hawaii
If you enjoy swimming in the water, the months of September and October are the finest times to travel to the island. The sea temperatures in Hawaii don't change much, and you may swim comfortably throughout the year. However, the peak sea temperatures will be in September and October, when the water temperature will be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. February and March are the coldest months of the year to go swimming since the water temperature drops to around 73-74 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hawaii's climate is characterized by heavy rainfall.
Hawaii may take pride in the fact that it contains the wettest area on the planet inside its borders. No one in the local tourism industry would make a big deal about this strange circumstance. The peak of the dormant volcano Wai'ale'ale, on the other hand, is clouded in for around 300 days each year and gets an average of 1.5 inches of precipitation per day. As a result, it has the unfortunate distinction of being the wettest site on the planet.
If you want to put this in context, consider that Hawaii also contains some of the driest locations on Earth, such as the Kau desert. When looking at average rainfall and temperature numbers for Hawaii, keep in mind the vast variances between the two states. Furthermore, the weather in Hawaii is very localized, with considerable differences between sites that are only a few miles apart.
When is the best time to visit Hawaii based on the weather?
Hawaii enjoys a pleasant temperature throughout the year, which is one of the reasons it is such a popular vacation destination. You could get unfortunate and find yourself in the middle of a storm or a period of terrible weather, but this can happen anywhere and at any time of year. Hawaii also has a lower incidence of this than many other popular tourist locations..
The bottom line when it comes to Hawaii's climate is that now is the best time to travel there. Get that vacation booked as soon as possible!